Forest Man

Lars Larsen's blog

Remark to Revelation 20: 7-9. About the last Harmageddon battle

Publicerad 2020-08-29 14:51:00 i Damnation, Evilness, Harmageddon, Hell, Satan, the demiurg and demons,

Book of Revelation, 20:7-9:
"7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 
8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 
9 They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. "
Read the whole chapter here. This happens in the end of the millennial kingdom. 
My remark: Will Satan deceive the saved ones? No, only the lost ones from hell, and not all of them.Those in the upper layers of hell will not let them be deceived by this last rebellion of hell against God's kingdom, i.e. those who did not want to fight God, but slept instead during the great Star Wars, in hell. 


Postat av: Josef Ask

Publicerad 2020-08-29 15:04:17

Dialektiken av Hegel relativiserar ondskan att han gör den legitim jag tror bara på motsättningar inom naturen som skapar utveckling framåt. Men inte motsättningar som skapar utveckling framåt inom samhället som Hegel inne på det är bara perversioner.

Postat av: Josef Ask

Publicerad 2020-08-29 20:39:53

Om alla vore extremt vackra så skulle ingen vara vacker längre utan alla skulle se likadana ut det är sant som det fanns vara en ras i människosläktet. Både det vackra och det fula är ointressant att fixera sig vid att det är som bländverk jag älskar den skönheten som strålar inifrån ansiktet och ut från livsglädjen. När grundutseendet intar sin skönaste ungdomliga form kommer olika raser se nästan likadana ut i Himlen att alla har skönhet. Att vara olika är det vackraste vackrare kan du inte bli men att vara olika har inte bara med utseendet att göra utan att sanna och vackra hör ihop och att alla är vi olika i vår Herres hage oavsett det yttre att olikheter formar utseende och form.

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Lars Larsen

Born 1984 in Finland. Norwegian, lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Poet, ecotheologian and ecophilosopher (though not an academic such in both cases, although he studied theology for almost three years at Åbo Academy University), is also called "The monk" ("munken", he is monk in a self-founded monastery order, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden", "The Order of the Holy Nature"), he calls himself "Forest Man Snailson" (Skogsmannen Snigelson) because of certain strong ties to Nature and the animals, founded among other things through many years of homelessness living in tent, cot, cave and several huts in the Flaten Nature Reserve, the Nacka Reserve and "Kaknästornsskogen" outside of Stockholm. He debuted as a poet in 2007 with "Över floden mig" ("Across the river of me"), published by himself, he has also published an ecotheological work, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst" (Animalistic theology. The return of paradise") on Titel förlag 2010. He has published the poem collection "Naturens återkomst" (The return of Nature) on Fri Press förlag 2018 together with Titti Spaltro, his ex-girlfriend. Lars's professions are two, cleaner and painter (buildings). Before he was homeless, but right now he lives in Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, a psychiatric group home for mental patients in Danderyd, Stockholm. His adress is: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. One can reach him in the comments section on this blog. His texts on this blog are without copyright, belonging to "Public Domain". He is the author of the texts, if no one is mentioned.

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