Forest Man

Lars Larsen's blog

Marcus Beijar Mellin's preface to a Zen-text he spontanously translated after he had reached a spiritual awakening during midsummer 2007 in the end of Åsögatan. Part 1

Publicerad 2020-09-10 15:47:00 i Animalism, Church History, Evilness, History, History of Literature, History of religion, Jesus, Marcus Mahdi, Non-human animals, Philosophy, Psychiatry and psychology, Sin,

(excerpt from Marcus Beijar Mellin's (mahdi's) autobiography "P.S. Bakom stängda dörrar" (2018) ("P.S. Behind closed doors" (2018)), third edition, s. 178-188, translated by Lars Larsen)
Most men are afraid of what they cannot understand, because it gets them to feel, that they are not Masters, that there is something behind them, like a shadow, that can come and assault them at any time. 
The early psychoanalysts, named it the subconscious, but it was only subconscious as long as one kept it back, and one was controlled by this subconscious. 
Wilhelm Reich, believed only in the rational, and he also discovered energies in the body, which really were energies, which were maybe not rational at all, but were life!
Life comes first, then the rational. 
All other beings, only does things, but through the fact that we humans have language, we can control ourselves, but it can also control us!
The question that we all wrestle with is then: shall we control our lives with language, i.e. have bigger chance to survive through our prudence, or shall we only let life go as it goes?
If one places oneself on the street and screams "I am schizoprenic!", this is immediately perceived as if one were mad....yes, the very fact that one screams at all makes one to a madman.
But do the birds not sing, do the cows not moo, do the apes not chatter?
But by humans the life energy most often is expressed in gossip. 
Gossip is a way to make a person down, which another person from the beginning wanted to make down, but had not the power to carry it out himself. 
Then this person goes to a second party and talks to him, and this person talks in turn with a third one; so a group is formed which is against a special person, and now maybe they can make him down, if they are several?
Many poets have refused to regard this rule, and have said that they are immortal anyway, so "make me down, but I will survive!", and so it has also become; have not Jesus' words, Rembrandt's paintings, Beethoven's tones, all persisted and been praised?
All these had economical problems: in fact Jesus did not own anything, but then he also were a prophet of God and could change a little fish to a whole lake. 
Rembrandt was fashionable for a moment, but then he went into personal bankruptcy, but he barely survived. 
So during the times they lived (just look at van Gogh) they were expelled from the group, they were gossiped about, but some also loved them (van Gogh has here lowest status, who only was loved by his brother and his wife, and maybe some few more) and these persons who loved them, they have at least in the case of Jesus become their messengers, become men who has carried out their words into the world. 


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Lars Larsen

Born 1984 in Finland. Norwegian, lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Poet, ecotheologian and ecophilosopher (though not an academic such in both cases, although he studied theology for almost three years at Åbo Academy University), is also called "The monk" ("munken", he is monk in a self-founded monastery order, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden", "The Order of the Holy Nature"), he calls himself "Forest Man Snailson" (Skogsmannen Snigelson) because of certain strong ties to Nature and the animals, founded among other things through many years of homelessness living in tent, cot, cave and several huts in the Flaten Nature Reserve, the Nacka Reserve and "Kaknästornsskogen" outside of Stockholm. He debuted as a poet in 2007 with "Över floden mig" ("Across the river of me"), published by himself, he has also published an ecotheological work, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst" (Animalistic theology. The return of paradise") on Titel förlag 2010. He has published the poem collection "Naturens återkomst" (The return of Nature) on Fri Press förlag 2018 together with Titti Spaltro, his ex-girlfriend. Lars's professions are two, cleaner and painter (buildings). Before he was homeless, but right now he lives in Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, a psychiatric group home for mental patients in Danderyd, Stockholm. His adress is: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. One can reach him in the comments section on this blog. His texts on this blog are without copyright, belonging to "Public Domain". He is the author of the texts, if no one is mentioned.

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