Forest Man

Lars Larsen's blog

Löftenas löfte, eller Alltings slutliga återupprättelse. Kap. 13: Apokatastasis i andra religioner

Publicerad 2022-08-05 10:55:00 i History of religion, Islam, Ken Vincent, My book "Löftenas löfte, eller Alltings slutliga återställelse, My books, Mystics and mysticism, Paranormal phenomena, Psychics and mediums, Spiritualism, Universalism, the doctrine about the final salvation of all,

Judendomens tro på apokatastasis
"The view that in a future world, whenever that would be, all things would return to their original holy state, had eminent advocates from the days of the Gerona kabbalists onward. Nahmanides spoke of "the return of all things to their true essence" - a concept drawn perhaps from Christian eschatology and the doctrine of apokatastasis (reintegration) - and he meant by this the reascent of every created being to its source in emanation which would no longer leave room for the continued existence of the realm of evil in creation or of the power of the evil instinct in man. It would appear, indeed, that this return was connected in his view with the great jubilee..."
"The dominant view (among the kabbalists, my remark) was that the power of evil domain would be destroyed and disappear, since there would be no longer any justification for its continued existence."
(Gershom Sholem i sin bok "Kabbalah", 1974, sida 127)
"...the midrashic view that the redemption would be a return to that perfection which was sullied by the sin of Adam and Eve. It would not be something entirely new, but a restoration, or a renewal. Creation at the time of redemption would assume the form that was intended from the beginning by the Divine mind." // "In the Divine realm, the state of redemption is expressed as the end of the "exile of the Shekinah", the restoration of the Divine unity throughout all areas of existence." // "At the time of redemption there will be a continuous union of king and queen, or of the sefirot Tiferet and Shekinah; that is to say that there will be an unceasing stream of Divine influx through all worlds, and this will bind them eternally together." // "After the life of beatitude experienced by the resurrected, this world would be destroyed, and recreated in a new form. Perhaps the world to come would be the creation of another link in the chain of "creations", or shemitot ("sabbaticals": according to the view of the author of Sefer ha-Temunah) or even the creation of a spiritual existence through which all existing things ascend to reach the world of the sefirot, and return to their primeval being, or their "higher source". In the "Great Jubilee", after 50 000 years, everything will return to the bosom of the Sefirah Binah, which is also called the "mother of the world". "
(Gershom Sholem i sin bok "Kabbalah", 1974, sidorna 335-336)
Spiritualismens tro på apokatastasis
De flesta spiritualister tror på en form av apokatastasis. Det kommer t.ex. fram i deras föreningars trosbekännelser. Här är ett utdrag ur en sådan, av National Spiritualist Association, den äldsta och största spiritualistiska föreningen i Amerika:
"8. We discard entirely the terrible wrong and illogical teachings of eternal damnation and in place thereof we accept and present for consideration of thinking people the thought of the continuity of life beyond the change called death.  A natural life, where the opportunity for growth and progress to better, higher and more spiritual conditions are open to all, even as they are here on the earth plane of life. We accept no such teaching as a “Hell Fire,” but we do teach that sin and wrong-doing will necessarily bring remorse and suffering that would be difficult to describe in words and which can only be relieved by the individual’s own efforts if not here, then in the hereafter. If we make our own lives better while here and that of our neighbors happier we shall unfold that happiness or heaven on earth which we shall carry with us into the Spirit World."
(Från the principles of National Spiritualist Association, deras tolkning av Joseph P. Whitwell, tredje NSAC presidenten)
Några medier som uttryckligen trott på apokatastasis:
Olof Jönsson:
(från Brad Steigers monografi över Olof Jönsson: "Fallet Olof Jönsson. Ockulta fenomen - parapsykologiska experiment." 1971)
"Brad Steiger: "Förekommer någon typ av straff i livet efter detta?"
Jönsson: Nej. I detta liv måste vi ha en poliskår för att skydda så kallade normala männisokr för dem som är födda med skavanker. Min filosofi är att det inte finns dåliga människor, människor är bara födda med olika förutsättningar. Jag tror att vi alla tillhör Kosmos, det vi kan kalla Gud, att samma universella lagar gäller för minsta atom, som för helheten. 
I livet efter detta finns inget straff, inga lidanden, inget gott ellre ont; det finns bara perfekt Harmoni."
"Brad Steiger: - Olof, det verkar som du anser att universum är skapat efter en gudomlig plan, helt ändamålsenligt.
-Ja, en gudomlig plan som kommer att sluta i evig harmoni."
Fotnot av Lars Larsen: Olof Jönsson hade bl.a. förmågan att gå ut ur kroppen med hjälp av sin vilja när det behagade honom, och resa i andevärlden.
* * * 
Edgar Cayce
"Edgar Cayce, a spiritist and a New Age prophet, says that "The destiny of the soul, as of all creation, is to become One with the Creator", and that no soul is ever lost." (Från boken "The facts on life after death" av John Ankerberg and John Weldon, 2011)
Apokatastasis i Islam
Omar Khayyam (1048 – 1131)
Från "Rubaiyat":

193 They say, when the last trump shall sound its knell,
Our Friend will sternly judge, and doom to hell.
Can aught but good from perfect goodness come?
Compose your trembling hearts, ’twill all be well.

276 O Thou! Who know’st the secret thoughts of all,
In time of sorest need who aidest all,
Grant me repentance, and accept my plea,
O Thou who dost accept the pleas of all!

204 Can alien Pharisees Thy kindness tell,
Like us, Thy intimates, who nigh Thee dwell?
Thou say’st, “All sinners will I burn with fire.”
Say that to strangers, we know Thee too well!

"Miqdad reported that he heard God's messenger say, "There will not remain
on the face of the earth a mud-brick house or a camel's hair tent which
God will not cause the confession of Islam to enter, bringing both mighty
honor and abject abasement.  God will either honor the occupants and put
them among its adherents, or will humiliate them and they will be subject
to it."  Miqdad said, "God will then receive complete obedience.""

 (Hadith of Ahmad)

"Those who are wretched shall be in the Fire... they will dwell therein for
all the time that the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord
wills; for your Lord is the sure Accomplisher of what He plans."

                        ( Qur'an 11.106-07)

Apokatastasis i Zoroastrianismen

"Some modern minimalist scholars dispute the fact that Zoroaster was a Universalist and say that Universal Salvation came into Zoroastrianism later; however, as Mary Boyce points out in Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism, the religion was definitely Universalist many years before Christianity when the 4th century B.C. Greek, Theopompus stated that:

“Zoroaster prophesies that some day there will be a resurrection of all the dead. In the end Hades shall perish and men (people) shall be happy …”"

(Från boken "Religious evidence of the afterlife", 2019, av Ken Vincent)

* * *

"Zoroaster taught that God loves us all and that, after evil is finally defeated, ALL humanity will be saved at the end of time, although those whose bad deeds outweigh their good deeds will need to be “purified” in Hell before joining God in Heaven.

The following example illustrates the views of Zoroaster concerning Universal Salvation:

“If you understand these laws of happiness and pain
Which Mazda has ordained, O mortals,
(There is) a long period of punishment for the wicked
And reward for the pious
But thereafter eternal joy shall reign forever.” (Y30.11, emphasis added)"

(Från boken "Religious evidence of the afterlife", 2019, av Ken Vincent)


Apokatastasis i Buddhismen

Jag talade 19.7.2022 med en buddhistmunk från den tibetanska traditionen som residerade på Kadampa meditationscenter i Stockholm, och frågade om buddhisterna där trodde att alla kom att nå Nirvana till slut. Han svarade ja.  

"The idea of universal salvation is key to the Mahayana school of Buddhism. All practitioners of this school of Buddhism aspire to become fully enlightened, so as to save other beings. There are many such vows or sentiments that people on this path focus on, the most famous being "Beings are numberless. I vow to save them all."

"Adherents to Pure Land Buddhism point to Amitabha Buddha as a Universal Savior. Before becoming a Buddha Amitabha vowed that he would save all beings and according to The Pure Land Sutras (scriptures), all beings will be eventually saved through the work of Amida Buddha."

(Från Wikipedia-artikeln "Universalism")


"According to the Lankavatara sutra (4th century BC):

" A bodhisattva wishes to help all beings attain nirvana. He must therefore refuse to enter nirvana himself, as he cannot apparently render any services to the living beings of the worlds after his own nirvana. He thus finds himself in the rather illogical position of pointing the way to nirvana for other beings, while he himself stays in this world of suffering in order to do good to all creatures. This is his great sacrifice for others. He has taken the great Vow: "I shall not enter into final nirvana before all beings have been liberated." He does not realize the highest liberation for himself, as he cannot abandon other beings to their fate. He has said: "I must lead all beings to liberation. I will stay here till the end, even for the sake of one living soul." "

(från artikeln "The Boddhisattva Ideal: Buddhism and the aestetics of selflessness" av Nitin Kumar, från år 2000)


"The Dharma of the Buddhas
       by the constant use of a single flavor
Causes the several worlds
       universally to attain perfection,
By gradual practice
       all obtain the Fruit of the Way."

                         (Lotus Sutra 5)

Apokatastasis i hinduismen

Från Radhasoami universalisterna:

"The Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh {near Agra, in India} represents
the crown jewel of Sant Math. It has been a living, nearly two-centuries-old
tradition of an uninterrupted lineage of Grand Masters or Param Gurus,
whose ultimate spiritual Mission is universal salvation, or the redemption
of all creatures."

"The declared intention of the Supreme Authority {Param Guru} is
universal salvation, to be achieved gradually & fatedly by the
 Nij Dhar 
or the Incarnated Divine Current through the agency of an intergenerational
continuing lineage of Grand Masters."

(Citerat på sidan Radhasoami Universal Salvation Religion {Dayalbagh})

Apokatastasis i Taoismen

"Generally speaking, there are two kinds of Taoism:
philosophical and religious. Philosophical Taoism is rational,
contemplative, and nonsectarian, and it accepts death as a
natural returning to the Tao."

(From "What Do Taoists Believe" on the website Beliefnet. Tao "is the ultimate
reality as well as the proper natural way of life humans must follow", according to
the same article. And further along, "The supreme being/ultimate truth is beyond
words or any conceptual understanding. When asked to name it, it is referred
to as Tao or the Way. The Power of the Way is referred to as Te. Although
Tao and Te are similar to other practices' ideas of God, Taoists seldom refer to God"

"Taoism is not a salvific practice. There is nothing that one needs to be saved from,
and belief in salvation would lead to belief in damnation in the same manner as
belief in good leads to belief in evil. Although they do not accept the false duality
of salvation vs. damnation, living simply in harmony with Te and Tao, and not
excessively pursuing material wealth, stature, or prestige, will lead to a joyful life."


Apokatastasis i Bahai-religionen

"I testify that Thou art the Lord of all creation, and the Educator of all
beings, visible and invisible.  I bear witness that Thy power hath
encompassed the entire universe, and that the hosts of the earth can never
dismay Thee, nor can the dominion of all peoples and nations deter Thee
from executing Thy purpose.  I confess that Thou hast no desire except the
regeneration of the whole world, and the establishment of the unity of its
peoples, and the salvation of all them that dwell therein."

      (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah 115)

(många citat i denna artikel är från "World scripture. Universal salvation", en artikel
på en sajt som Unification Church har, dvs. Rev. Sun Myung Moons religion, som
också tror på apokatastasis)


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Lars Larsen

Born 1984 in Finland. Norwegian, lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Poet, ecotheologian and ecophilosopher (though not an academic such in both cases, although he studied theology for almost three years at Åbo Academy University), is also called "The monk" ("munken", he is monk in a self-founded monastery order, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden", "The Order of the Holy Nature"), he calls himself "Forest Man Snailson" (Skogsmannen Snigelson) because of certain strong ties to Nature and the animals, founded among other things through many years of homelessness living in tent, cot, cave and several huts in the Flaten Nature Reserve, the Nacka Reserve and "Kaknästornsskogen" outside of Stockholm. He debuted as a poet in 2007 with "Över floden mig" ("Across the river of me"), published by himself, he has also published an ecotheological work, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst" (Animalistic theology. The return of paradise") on Titel förlag 2010. He has published the poem collection "Naturens återkomst" (The return of Nature) on Fri Press förlag 2018 together with Titti Spaltro, his ex-girlfriend. Lars's professions are two, cleaner and painter (buildings). Before he was homeless, but right now he lives in Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, a psychiatric group home for mental patients in Danderyd, Stockholm. His adress is: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. One can reach him in the comments section on this blog. His texts on this blog are without copyright, belonging to "Public Domain". He is the author of the texts, if no one is mentioned.

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