Forest Man

Lars Larsen's blog

Löftenas löfte, eller Alltings slutliga återupprättelse. Kap. 9: Nära döden-upplevelsen överlag och apokatastasis

Publicerad 2022-07-27 11:52:00 i Heaven, Hell, My book "Löftenas löfte, eller Alltings slutliga återställelse, My books, Near death-experiences, Paradise and Paradisism, Paranormal phenomena, Universalism, the doctrine about the final salvation of all, Visions,

Folk som har varit vid dödens gräns kommer ofta tillbaka och berättar om underbara ting. De tror sig ha sett och upplevt vad som kommer efter döden, och mister ofta sin rädsla för döden. I artikeln "Aftereffects of the Near Death Experience" (2018) i tidskriften Psychology Today skriver författaren Marilyn A Mendoza, Ph.D. följande: "Perhaps the most common after-effect of an NDE is the loss of the fear of death and a strengthened belief in the afterlife." Vad är det som gör att de mister sin rädsla för döden? Är det kanske att det inte finns något evigt helvete? Vissa nära-döden upplevare förnekar helt helvetets existens. Vi återkommer till det i ett senare kapitel. 
Men Gud och Jesus i nära-döden upplevelserna är inte Gamla Testamentets straffande Gud, utan är så full av villkorslös, gränslös kärlek att upplevarna inte har ord för det, och vill bara stanna kvar i andevärlden. Det gäller också ateisternas upplevelser. 
Ateisten Crystal McVeas, 36, dog och träffade gud ( I boken "I tidens fullbordan" (2017) skriver Madeleine och Peter Wallgren följande om hennes upplevelse:
"De som upplevt Guds kärlek på andra sidan säger ofta att de inte kunde få nog av Honom. De ville bara vara hos honom i evighet trots att de inte kände honom. Crystal (i början av kapitlet) sade att det enda hon ville när hon mötte Gud var att falla ner på sitt ansikte och tillbe honom i evighet. Det var så outsägligt ljuvligt att få vara i hans närhet."
Madeleine och Peter skriver också om en ung man som mötte Jesus i en andevärldsupplevelse, och tyckte det var så ljuvligt, att han efteråt prövade alla slags droger för att få känna det samma igen, men utan att lyckas. 
Några nära-döden upplevares ord om apokatastasis
Här skall jag delge ett antal nära-döden upplevares ord om apokatastasis, allas slutliga frälsning. Klicka på författarnamnet som är länkat, om du vill se artikeln citatet är ifrån:
“The gates of hell are open. Those in hell will eventually join up, link hands, and walk out of hell together.” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)
“What all people seek, what sustains them, is love, the light told me. What distorts people is a lack of love. The revelations coming from the light seemed to go on and on, then I asked the light, “Does this mean that humankind will be saved?” Then, like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights, the Great Light spoke, saying, “Remember this and never forget; you save, redeem and heal yourself. You always have. You always will. You were created with the power to do so from before the beginning of the world. In that instant I realized even more. I realized that WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN SAVED, and we saved ourselves because we were designed to self-correct like the rest of God’s universe.” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)
“All souls were created in the beginning and are finding their way back to God.” (Edgar Cayce)
“We are immortal and indestructible. We have always been alive, we always will be, and there is no way in this world that we can ever be lost. It is impossible for anyone to fall into a crack in the universe somewhere and never be heard from again. We are utterly safe and we have always been forever and ever.” (Jayne Smith)
“From the light we have come, and to the light we all shall return.” (Josiane Antonette hörde en röst i himlen som sade detta i hennes nära-döden upplevelse))
(alla dessa citat är från Kevin Williams artikel "Hell and the near death-experience" (2019))
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Dannion Brinkley är en känd nära-döden upplevare, som deltog i Vietnamkriget som soldat. Hans nära-döden upplevelse var mycket positiv, trots hans förbrytelser i Vietnamkriget, och han skriver i sin bok om upplevelsen: "From the light we come and to the light we return." (från boken "Inte rädd för att dö" 1997)
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Några ord om apokatastasis av såna som forskat vetenskapligt i nära-döden upplevelser: 
Från kapitlet 8, "Religious Experience research reveal universalist principles" i boken "The Golden Thread. Gods promise of universal salvation", 2005, av Ken. R. Vincent:

"Ken Ring and Evelyn Valarino’s Near-Death Experience Research

One of the most thoughtful and prolific near-death researchers is social psychologist Ken Ring ( In his most recent book with Evelyn Valarino (www.elsaesser-valarino.comLessons from the Light, he reiterates his absolute certainty that everyone will come to the light. He tells the story of a person sexually abused by her father who, when asked if Adolf Hitler would eventually come into the light, and she said, “Yes.” Later she said, “Even my father will see the light.” (denna kvinna hade alltså en nära-döden upplevelse. Min anmärkning)


Nona Coxhead’s Religious Experience Research

Religious experience researcher Nona Coxhead in her book The Relevance of Bliss states:

“For just as the sun shines of everyone without discrimination, the realization that love and light will be fully accessible to all of us following our bodily demise is a message of joy that those who have returned from ‘the gates of death’ bring us.”


Kevin Williams’ Near-Death Experience Research

Kevin Williams, webmaster of the #1 NDE website on Google and Yahoo (, is a committed Universalist. In his book, Nothing Better Than Death, he states that:

"Many Christians today cannot accept the NDE because it generally affirms Universal Salvation." "

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(Kevin Williams skriver såhär om apokatastasis i artikeln "Hell and the near death-experience" (2019):)

"As with heaven, near-death experiencers have witnessed numerous variations of hell realms. These hell realms are not for judgment nor punishment, nor are they eternal. They are states of mind which acts as a “time out” condition for reflection, education and purification of negative thought patterns. 
People in these hellish spirit realms remain in this condition for however long best serves their spiritual development. The way out of these hellish realms is to have a willingness to see the light and seek love. Eventually, like prodigal sons, every suffering soul in these hellish realms will see the light and heaven.
“After his death, Jesus descended into the lower afterlife regions to ‘unlock’ the gates of hell. But souls still remaining there – for them – the gates are locked from the inside. Nevertheless, NDE evidence reveals Jesus continues to rescue souls from hell during a near-death experience.
“God does not condemn anyone to hell and there is no eternal damnation. We have the ability to condemn ourselves to the hell we create within ourselves."


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Lars Larsen

Born 1984 in Finland. Norwegian, lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Poet, ecotheologian and ecophilosopher (though not an academic such in both cases, although he studied theology for almost three years at Åbo Academy University), is also called "The monk" ("munken", he is monk in a self-founded monastery order, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden", "The Order of the Holy Nature"), he calls himself "Forest Man Snailson" (Skogsmannen Snigelson) because of certain strong ties to Nature and the animals, founded among other things through many years of homelessness living in tent, cot, cave and several huts in the Flaten Nature Reserve, the Nacka Reserve and "Kaknästornsskogen" outside of Stockholm. He debuted as a poet in 2007 with "Över floden mig" ("Across the river of me"), published by himself, he has also published an ecotheological work, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst" (Animalistic theology. The return of paradise") on Titel förlag 2010. He has published the poem collection "Naturens återkomst" (The return of Nature) on Fri Press förlag 2018 together with Titti Spaltro, his ex-girlfriend. Lars's professions are two, cleaner and painter (buildings). Before he was homeless, but right now he lives in Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, a psychiatric group home for mental patients in Danderyd, Stockholm. His adress is: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. One can reach him in the comments section on this blog. His texts on this blog are without copyright, belonging to "Public Domain". He is the author of the texts, if no one is mentioned.

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