Forest Man

Lars Larsen's blog

Emergency warning!!!!!!!!!!

Publicerad 2020-03-16 10:46:00 i Coronavirus,

(Updated 13.3.2020): I urge all my readers to follow the spread of the apocalyptic corona virus in the world, on the following blogs and sites (they are much more serious and informed than the daily newspapers):
(most important first :)
Peak Prosperity (Chris Martenson's blog) (follow Chris on Twitter here)
The economic collapse blog (Michael Snyder's blog) (follow Michael on Twitter here)
Seemorerocks  (Robin Westenra's superb blog) (follow Robin on Twitter here)
Reddit / Collapse of civilization (large collapse forum. There is still life in this forum.
 Honest types)
Hal Turner Show (an American Christian prophet and former intelligence agency man)
End of the American dream (Michael Snyder's second blogg)
China_Flu/Reddit (got some life in this again)
Full Spectrum Survival video blog
Here is a world map where you can follow the spread of the corona virus. Very practical! Excuse me. But it is useless now, totally censored by China. This map is better. 
My own assessment of the situation is that the coronavirus will collapse China's economy, and this alone, all the other things notwithstanding, will lead to the collapse of civilization (because China is the world's workshop), which would happen even without the coronavirus, because we are already on our way into a new global economic recession / depression, but now is the time for "the perfect storm", as all collapse threats converge. The collapse of civilization will quickly lead to climate change running away much faster than hitherto due to the loss of "Global Dimming" (in other words, " The aerosol masking effect "), the oil industry collapses at the same time because of demand destruction, and humanity dies out , and then at last the earth dies because of all radiation from the 450 + nuclear power plants in meltdown (this I learned from professor Guy McPherson), which means that we all die, humans and animals and plants.
I ask you all to be ready for collapse-related death, which for some (many?) in Sweden may come this month already (I don't want to put any time for the collapse of civilization any more, you remember my numerous doomsday dates), which is my best estimate. I pray to God that we will reach the summer before the worst breaks out, so that the homeless can die more comfortably. I will then be found in the forests around Stockholm (mainly the Nacka Nature Reserve and where I live now, in the Flaten Nature Reserve), where I take refuge when the worst breaks out, and there I want to be of help to people who will die, to relive their fear of death, a fear I have come across, I am ready to die. I want to teach others what I learned about death and dying (as you can see above, my last public writing was a comfort book for those who are dying).I look forward, with great joy and expectation, to enter the heavenly world.
There are many others who share my views here on the impending civilizational collapse, I recommend you to read this blog post , which also contains good basic advice on how to deal with the crisis.
Prepare for death through reading books from this literature list compiled by me. 
And I command all who believe in Jesus Christ to immediately flee the cities, all over the world, echoing the warnings of Jesus in Matthew chapter 24. Seek shelter in the forest and in the countryside. If you have friends or relatives on the countryside, flee to them, if not, buy a good tent and a good winter sleeping bag with your last money, and live as a homeless in the nearest big forest outside of your city. It's not difficult at all.
Warm greetings from Lars Larsen Skogsmannen, who now also goes by the names "Skogs" and "Skogs Trolls Grävlings", and "Skogslusen". 


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Lars Larsen

Born 1984 in Finland. Norwegian, lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Poet, ecotheologian and ecophilosopher (though not an academic such in both cases, although he studied theology for almost three years at Åbo Academy University), is also called "The monk" ("munken", he is monk in a self-founded monastery order, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden", "The Order of the Holy Nature"), he calls himself "Forest Man Snailson" (Skogsmannen Snigelson) because of certain strong ties to Nature and the animals, founded among other things through many years of homelessness living in tent, cot, cave and several huts in the Flaten Nature Reserve, the Nacka Reserve and "Kaknästornsskogen" outside of Stockholm. He debuted as a poet in 2007 with "Över floden mig" ("Across the river of me"), published by himself, he has also published an ecotheological work, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst" (Animalistic theology. The return of paradise") on Titel förlag 2010. He has published the poem collection "Naturens återkomst" (The return of Nature) on Fri Press förlag 2018 together with Titti Spaltro, his ex-girlfriend. Lars's professions are two, cleaner and painter (buildings). Before he was homeless, but right now he lives in Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, a psychiatric group home for mental patients in Danderyd, Stockholm. His adress is: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. One can reach him in the comments section on this blog. His texts on this blog are without copyright, belonging to "Public Domain". He is the author of the texts, if no one is mentioned.

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