this Swedish blogpost I told about a dream I had 2.5.2022 when a mighty angel (it scared me!) said to me "
2048 skall du få flytta till en sommardal". (in English: "
In 2048 you will be allowed to move to a summer valley"). This was all he/she (I did not see the angel) said, then he/she vanished.
I then wondered if Jesus will return in 2048. He might return before, probably he does, but at least then at the latest the
Millennial Kingdom will begin, I think, and my summer valley will probably be my paradise, my place of rest and my salary in that Kingdom. Probably a rainforest valley.
But, when I google at "second coming 2048" I do not find anything of value. This date is unique to me and the angel in my dream. I had not heard anything about it before my dream, so it didn't come from me, or from my previous fantasy life.
Israel and 2048
Israel’s declaration of independence was
on May 14, 1948. Some Bible scholars say that
Matt. 24:32-34 actually talks about Israel: "
Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened." And they say that "this generation" is the generation that comes after Israel is reborn as a state, i.e. in 1948. So those who are born then and after that, will not die before Jesus returns.
Well, we know that a human being lives at most about 100 years or so. This means that Jesus will return 2048 or sooner. 2048 is maybe the latest possible date for his return and the start of the Millennial Kingdom. In 2048 I'm 63-64 years old. I hope I will be transformed by then or before then, not having to die. It's my blessed hope.
The Dead Sea Scrolls and 2048
The Dead Sea Scrolls, in my opinion the most important archaeological discovery in all of human history (from a Christian perspective) were discovered during eleven years, 1946-1957. The peak of the discoveries was in 1947, and the find was announced in 1948: "
The fragile documents, which came to be known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, eventually made their way to scholars at the American Schools of Oriental Research, who announced the find in 1948." (from
this article). So, in 1948, exactly the year when Israel was founded, and 100 years before the prophetic year 2048, the world got to know about this discovery.
The stock market crash of 1929 and 2048
Our oil reserves and 2048
We can calculate how long civilization will last by looking at our oil reserves.
"In its latest Statistical Review of World Energy, BP estimated the world had 1.7297 trillion barrels of crude oil remaining at the end of 2018. That was up from 1.7275 trillion barrels a year earlier and 1.4938 trillion barrels in 2008. In 1998, the world had 1.1412 trillion barrels in remaining reserves." (from this article)
There are some tricky things here. Something isn't as it seems. How could our oil reserves grow, if we seriously consider the following facts:
"Every year since 1984 oil consumption has exceeded oil discovery." (from a comment to this article)
And for expert confirmation:
"...already in 1998, Campbell and Laherrére had noted suspiciously sharp increases in the reserves reported by some OPEC producing states [1]. In addition, they noted that new oil discoveries had not been matching production starting in the late 1980s, a phenomenon termed “the growing gap” and illustrated several times in the ASPO newsletter. This gap was considered as evidence that oil production was depleting the reserves faster than they could be replaced." (from this article by Ugo Bardi)
This article 2016 by Peak Oil-blogger and oil industry insider Ron Patterson really clarifies the situation.
“the standard claim that the world has proved conventional oil reserves of nearly 1.7 trillion barrels is overstated by about 875 billion barrels.”
That puts conventional reserves at about 825 billion barrels." (from the same article)
Maybe Patterson is wrong about the 825 billion barrels figure. Maybe he is too radical (it really seems very radical). But if we consider that "In 1998, the world had 1.1412 trillion barrels in remaining reserves", then, because the oil industry has steadily eaten from its reserves since then, more and more hungrily, like a starving fat man eating of his own fat, global oil reserves cannot be very much greater than 1 trillion barrels, especially if we do not count the staggering amount of shale oil reserves and tar sand reserves, which are very expensive to produce, and increasingly more so as time goes by.
Let's take that 1 trillion barrels (1000 billion barrels) number, and make a calculation. We consume about 36 billion barrels of oil each year by now (we are almost at the 2018 peak levels of consumption right now). 1000 divided by 36 is 27,7. So we have almost 28 years left of oil reserves with the present consumpion, and we have to consume as much as today to keep civilization afloat,
or actually we have to increase our consumption to avoid collapse, because the financial system is rigged so that it either grows or collapses. 27,7 years into the future is around the year 2050. From 2023 to 2048 there is about 25 years. This is remarkable. This makes 2048-2050 about
the latest possible date for Babylon's fall and the Second Coming of Jesus. All Christian prophets should mark this. Of course civilization will fall way before it sucks up the latest drop of oil from the ground, because of dwindling
EROEI and the fact that we need our present oil consumption to avoid collapse. Gail Tverberg has written somewhere that most of the coal, oil and gas in the ground will be left there because it becoming uneconomical to produce. Then you understand why I say that 2048 is the latest possible date for the end of civilization. Add to this abrupt climate change, ecological overshoot and the bursting of the financial "Everything Bubble".
So easy it is to calculate the end of civilization, or putting the latest possible date for it (it's exact timing is very much more difficult. I wonder if it is possibe to refute my calculations here. Please let me know if I'm wrong about this.
The beginning of the Millennial Kingdom
I have elsewhere on this blog (see
here and
here) speculated about 2025 as the possible date for the Rapture of the Christian Church, and 2032 as the time for the visible Second Coming of Christ. As the Christian prophet Josh Peck says, we cannot know the exact date for the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom, it may take time to set it up, its establishment on earth may take a long period. According to
the Essene calendar (see who the Essenes were,
here), this period is the latest
Jubilee of the Age of Grace (starting with the time of Jesus), i.e. 2025-2075. This is why I guess that the Millennial Kingdom will come to earth during the period 2032-2048, maybe in stages. Maybe we will not all be transformed at once, maybe one here and one there, each in their turn. And I think that my dream with the angel message 2.5.2022 indicates that
my Millennial Kingdom, my eternal rest, will begin 2048. Maybe not that of others. Until that I have to remain in civilization, until that I have to work hard. I know what my work is: an author's work.